2006 - 2007

Franz Kafka |der bau|
Franz Kafka |der bau|

socos & the live project band / παναγιώτης λάμπρου. "kafka". 1. πανω απ'το μνημα του j s bach

socos & the live project band / παναγιώτης λάμπρου. "kafka". 2. Μεσ'τον ουρανο, με χαδια κρατα με

socos & the live project band / παναγιώτης λάμπρου. "kafka". 3. der bau

socos & the live project band / παναγιώτης λάμπρου. "kafka". 4. μια νυχτα του οκτωβρη
one image per one audio
In 2006, the musician and composer Socos proposed that I took part in a tribute on Franz Kafka and his novelette |der bau|.
We collaborated in tears of the dream on a similar basis, in the case of |der bau| the starting line was the writer.
The musical work consists of 21 pieces of progressive music with poetic lyrics describing the musician’s dreams, fears, wishes and hopes intensely.
The volume is emotional and reality is absentee.
|der bau| has no end because it has no beginning.
Franz Kafka repeats his anxiety describing the dead-end of a system that the mind has built on its own. A tragedy of tolerance.
His work could be a map of an ego and its ideas, relieving its pain by explaining the way it functions.
"Definition 'der bau' destination photography. Photography portrays the stimuli that comes from reality. The photographic work intends to create a connection to reality absent in the music and a visionary place for the writer’s text."